Independent Remuneration Panel membership

Committee meeting

The Independent Remuneration Panel advises Cumberland Council on the level of remuneration to be paid to Councillors, in accordance with The Local Authorities (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003.

The Council wishes to appoint Independent Members to serve on the Panel.

Applications are therefore invited from persons to serve as an Independent Member on the Panel. No particular qualifications are required, however an interest in local government would be beneficial. Current serving employees and Members of Cumberland Council and those disqualified from becoming a member of Cumberland Council will not be considered, nor will any person currently actively engaged in politics.

The Council will pay an annual allowance of £500 per annum for panel members and £600 per annum for the Chair and travel expenses. Meetings will be held in locations to be determined across Cumberland. It is not anticipated that more than 4 meetings a year (8 in the first year) will be required.

Further details are available from Catherine Parkinson, Interim Monitoring Officer at

Application packs are available from the Monitoring Officer at:

Completed applications should be returned to the address below or alternatively emailed no later than 15 July 2022.

Postal address: Ms C.A. Parkinson, Interim Monitoring Officer, C/O Cumbria House, 107 - 117 Botchergate, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 1RD

Contact by email