Notices of Election published for May elections

Image of someone voting

Anyone intending to stand as a candidate in May’s elections is being advised to submit their nomination papers ahead of the deadline of 4pm on Tuesday, 5 April 2022.

Notices of Election for the Cumberland Council election and any unscheduled parish, town and district council elections have been published today [28 March].

This means that nomination papers can now be submitted by anyone wishing to stand for election on 5 May.

Nomination packs for the new wards for Cumberland Council are available from local election teams at Allerdale Borough, Carlisle City and Copeland Borough councils, as well as political party agents.

Each of the three councils are administering the elections for their council areas. Therefore, prospective candidates are encouraged to contact the relevant council for the area they wish to stand for election in.

Packs have been given out to prospective candidates who have already expressed an interest in standing for election and were distributed at the recent prospective candidates’ and agents briefings.

As the time allowed for submission of these papers is short, if anyone wishes to stand as a candidate they are being strongly advised to complete and submit their nomination papers as soon as possible.

A new website has also been launched today (28 March) for the Shadow Authority for Cumberland Council.

The new website includes details of the election and key documents such as the Notices of Election for the new Cumberland Council, as well as information about the Shadow Authority and Joint Committee arrangements.

The Notices of Election have also been published on the Allerdale, Carlisle and Copeland council websites. These websites also have details of any other elections which will be held on the 5 May.

In order to vote on 5 May, residents must be on the electoral register. The deadline to register to vote is midnight on Thursday, 14 April 2022. It takes just five minutes to apply online.

People can choose to vote in a number of ways – in person, by post or by appointing someone they trust to vote in their place, known as a proxy vote.

The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on 19 April, and for a proxy vote the deadline is 5pm on 26 April.

For information on registering to vote, or how to apply to vote by post or by proxy, visit the Electoral Commission website.

This year residents will be voting to elect councillors to the new Cumberland Council, as well as electing councillors to some parish and town councils in areas where there is a vacancy.

In the areas currently covered by Allerdale, Carlisle and Copeland councils 46 councillors will be elected in new Cumberland wards. The ward boundaries follow those currently in place for seats on Cumbria County Council.

These councillors will be elected for a five-year term of office, the first year on a Cumberland ‘Shadow Authority’ that will oversee the planning and preparation for the new unitary council, followed by four years on Cumberland Council, which will ‘go live’ in April 2023.

The existing county, borough and district councils will continue to operate and deliver all current services until Vesting Day for the new authority on 1 April 2023.

On that date the Shadow Authority and its 46 councillors become the new Cumberland Council and it will take over responsibility for services. At that point the existing county, city, borough and district councils will be dissolved.

Details of the by-elections being held in the Allerdale Borough Council area can be found on their website. Details of the by-elections being held in the Carlisle City Council area can be found on their website. There are no additional elections being held on 5 May in the Copeland area.