Results of the Cumberland Council elections

Graphic with a ballot box

The results of the Cumberland Council elections held on the 5 May 2022 were announced in the early hours of this morning [6 May]. 

There were 46 seats being contested, and the make-up of the new council is: 

  • Labour 30 seats 

  • Conservative 7 seats 

  • Liberal Democrats 4 seats 

  • Independents 3 seats 

  • Green Party 2 seats 

Overall turnout was 36.1%. 

Full details of all the contests can be found on the Shadow Authority for Cumberland Council website.

These 46 councillors will be elected for a five-year term of office, the first year on a Cumberland ‘Shadow Authority’ that will oversee the planning and preparation for the new unitary council, followed by four years on Cumberland Council, which will ‘go live’ in April 2023. 

The existing county, borough and district councils will continue to operate and deliver all current services until Vesting Day for the new authority on 1 April 2023. 

On that date the Shadow Authority and its 46 councillors become the new Cumberland Council and it will take over responsibility for services. At that point the existing county, city, borough and district councils will be dissolved.