Apply for a postal or proxy vote

Provides details on postal and proxy vote applications for any future elections.

More information on postal and proxy votes

You have to be registered to vote before applying for a postal or proxy vote. If you are not registered, then you need to register now  .

    Postal voting

    Anyone who is on the electoral register can apply for a postal vote.

    You can have your ballot paper delivered to your registered address or, provided you can supply us with a reason, an alternative address.

    Proxy voting

    You can also appoint someone to vote on your behalf. This is known as a proxy vote.

    You can apply for a permanent proxy vote if:

    • You have a permanent physical incapacity, are registered blind or receive the higher rate of mobility component of the disability living allowance.
    • Your work frequently takes you away from home.
    • The permanent application form requires a signed declaration, from either a doctor, nurse or warden of a home, or in the case of work your employer.

    If you choose to vote by proxy for a particular election you are required to give a reason, eg illness, disability, employment, attendance on a course etc.

    If you choose to vote by proxy for all elections you will need to give a reason and get someone to support your application.

    The people who are qualified to support your application appear under part 6a of the application form.

    Emergency proxy vote

    An emergency proxy vote can be arranged if you find you are ill, or otherwise unable to vote in person, and the deadline for postal and proxy vote applications has closed. Please contact your local council to arrange this.

    Contact your local council for details on how to apply for and emergency proxy vote

    Contacting your local council to arrange, or amend, a postal or proxy vote

    To arrange a postal or proxy vote you will need to contact your local council: