What is the role of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland Council?

The Shadow Authority has important business to look at before April 2023.

This includes adopting a constitution and code of conduct for the Cumberland Council and appointing a Shadow Executive and Leader.  

It will also appoint interim and permanent officers to key statutory positions, so that the new council can legally operate and will take decisions to prepare for the running of all services currently carried out by the county, borough and district councils from April 2023.  

The Shadow Authority will also oversee an implementation plan, to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of services for local communities and the setting of a budget for the first year of the new council. 

The existing county, borough and district councils will continue to operate and deliver all current services until vesting day of the new council on 1 April 2023.  

The Shadow Authority will have no responsibility for service delivery, but it will operate alongside the existing councils until Cumberland Council ‘goes live’ on 1 April 2023.  

For information about current services please refer to the district, borough or county council for your area: 

On 1 April 2023 the Shadow Authority and its 46 councillors become the new Cumberland Council and it will take over responsibility for services.  

At that point the existing county, borough and district councils will be dissolved.