Constitution of the Shadow Authority for Cumberland Council

The Constitution sets out how the Shadow Authority for Cumberland Council operates.


The Constitution is divided into seven parts.

Part 1 sets out an explanation of what the Shadow Authority is and how it works.

Part 2 sets out the formal articles of the Constitution:

  • Article 1 – The Constitution;
  • Article 2 – The Shadow Authority;
  • Article 3 – Rights and responsibilities of members of the public;
  • Article 4 – The Shadow Authority;
  • Article 5 – The role of the Chair;
  • Article 6 – Overview and Scrutiny;
  • Article 7 – The Shadow Executive;
  • Article 8 – Other Committees;
  • Article 9 – Joint Arrangements;
  • Article 10 – Arrangements for promoting good standards of behaviour by Members;
  • Article 11 – Officers;
  • Article 12 - Decision Making;
  • Article 13 – Legal Matters;
  • Article 14 - Review, revision, suspension, interpretation and publication of the Constitution; and
  • Article 15 – Budget and Policy Framework

Part 3 sets out the responsibility of bodies and individuals for various functions carried out by the Shadow Authority in relation to the exercise of its powers.

Part 4 contains the Rules of Procedure which are designed to regulate the conduct of the Shadow Authority’s business to ensure decisions are made in accordance with the law and the wishes of the Shadow Authority. Draft Shadow Authority Constitution G:1526635v1

Part 5 includes the Code of Conduct for Shadow Members which is designed to ensure that Members carry out their duties to the highest ethical standards. It also includes a protocol on Member/Officer relations.

Part 6 covers the Scheme of Shadow Members’ Allowances. Article 10 of the 2022 Order provides that the Shadow Authority has to prepare and adopt a scheme for the payment of allowances to its members.

Part 7 sets out a glossary to this constitution.